Friday, May 27, 2016

I am in the way...

I picked up Timothy Keller's book from our local library titled "Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God" this past week. He references this quote and I was struck by the truth in it. I am very visual so this spoke to me. 

I hope it is a blessing and food for thought for you as well!

In Christ,

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The start of my challenge...

I have been feeling compelled to start blogging as a way to document my personal devotionals and things that I am learning in my walk with the Lord. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ since November 2008 when I was baptized and devoted my life to follow where the Lord would lead me. I can honestly say it has not been an easy path but I have a purpose for my life that I never had before.

I decided to call this blog 'Clay Jar Musings' because in God's word He refers to Himself as the Potter and we are the clay. We are also referred to as Clay Jars and I just thought it was appropriate. 

I hope you find it a blessing to follow along as I navigate this world with God as my guide.

God bless you!